Friday, 28 September 2007

We don't need no health and safety.

I saw the strangest thing on the way home. It was an unusually busy train, so I just hung back with the intention of getting the next one. As soon as the train pulled away, a crew of five workman appeared and put a ladder down onto the electric tracks. Five, because you need one to hold the ladder. Two to climb down on to the tracks, in between the electrified rails, and then to stand on top of a piece of wood on top of an electrified rail, and then screw to the wall a huge 2 metre diagonal illuminated advert. One person to check his watch for the time, because there are only 120 seconds between the trains, and one person to look frantically and constantly in both directions, presumably ready to shout 'Time's up! Get off the track NOW!!', in Japanese, of course.


heather said...

yo yo i think I realised why my last comments didnt work..i didnt have a google account. Have set it up now so you should get this. was cool talking to you earlier. blister xxxxx

Claire said...

ha ha ! That's crazy stuff!

14 days to go!!!
